Monday, June 18, 2012

Week 1: The good and the bad

Progress: Long run 4.25 miles, Pace 10:31 min/mile, 44:43 minutes

The good: Week 1 was not so bad. I already have been working hard the last 6 weeks to get in general shape, mixing boxing boot camp, short runs, and a few personal training sessions (my personal trainer and I did NOT click at all, and was actually kind of mean to me, but that's another story). Anyway, this week I knew had to start working on distance, and I'm proud to say I ran longer (more than 4 miles) than I have in about 6 years- back when I used to run 10k races. I'll have to check my records, but I think I may even be beating my old pace. I'm not a fast runner, never have been, but as long as I can keep up a jog and be able to hold a short conversation, I'm feeling like I'm doing well.

The bad: about a month ago after a shorter run, my hip started hurting, and was sore for about 5 days. Last week, it came back, and I feel some pain radiating down my hamstring. Since my old doctor picked up and moved to Florida, I have to find a new one, which is no easy task in New York City. I called my insurance company for recommendations and they referred me to a doctor that hadn't been at that practice for over 2 years! Useless. I did manage to find a brand new doctor and have an appointment this week. Wish me luck.

The really really good: "A very promising prognosis." Mom's lymph node biopsy came back CLEAN! We are so grateful that the cancer scare may end at the demise of her poor mammaries. They made the noble sacrifice to spare the rest of her.

I'd call that a good-news sandwich, and we'll just forget about the bothersome hip. Sweep that one under the rug for the moment.


  1. Good for you! I am hoping that you will be in a good condition very soon. My alternative treatments for cancer center loves this and appreciates this.

  2. Thanks, Kim! I have 3 months left to train, and appreciate the support.
