Friday, August 17, 2012

7 weeks to go: When things finally start to click

Week 9, 7 weeks til the big day: Longest run: 7.6 miles (longest run I have EVER done. Yay!); Best pace: 9:30 min/mi during practice sprints.

Dear friends,
Do you know that moment where you figure it out and things FINALLY start to click? I remember when I went to Spain for my study abroad, erhm, 15 years ago, and even though I had studied Spanish since 7th grade, things just weren't quite making sense. I struggled with understanding normal-paced conversation and television. Then one day, about 6 weeks into living there, I was watching the news and realized that I was understanding what they were saying. Without having to concentrate so hard I give myself a headache. Well, folks, I think I've had a breakthrough in the old training. I somehow managed to run the 7.6 miles of our training run on Saturday and NOT feel like I was going to keel over. Wow. It almost makes me understand people who claim they love running. It was not awful.
And now for some other not awful news: my mom's been telling me about this fantastic organization that offers services such as acupuncture, massage, naturopathic medicine consults, and much more. She is so relieved, feels like there are finally people who are listening to her and are truly there just for her. She told me about her visit to the naturopath, whose visit took almost and hour and a half, and which made her feel guilty for taking up so much of the naturopath's time. But isn't is wonderful to feel like someone's listening, and you're not just part of the process? So, folks, in honor of finding things that just seem to work, I am proposing dedicating the half marathon run, now in merely 7 weeks, to this great organization. I'm writing Hope Lives to see about setting up a fundraising page, so be on the lookout in my next blog for information on how to contribute to this great cause.

Have a marvelous weekend. Tomorrow we're set to run over 8 miles, again smashing any old distance records I once had. Hope I can walk on Monday! Eek.

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